Grass & Brush Collection

Brush Collection

The Town collects brush throughout the year; however, the following rules MUST be observed in order for brush to be collected:

  • Cut brush in no more than ten-foot (10) lengths
  • Place brush at the curb or edge of pavement, but not in the street
  • Brush must be cut and placed out by homeowner/tenant (no contract work)
  • Brush collection is designed for pruning and general cleanup around one's property. It is not designed for land clearing, tree, trunk, and stump removal.
  • Call Public Works at 434-369-6045 to schedule a pick up

Grass Clippings, Acorns and Leaves

Grass clippings and acorns must be bagged and set out at the curb or location of your normal garbage collection. Items placed out must be done by the homeowner or tenant (no contract work). If the material can fit in your trash can without causing an overflow, please place it there.