Community Development

2045 Comprehensive Plan Adopted

The Town of Altavista has updated its Comprehensive Plan!  This Plan acts as a general, long-range guide concerning the overall growth and development of the town for local decision-makers for the next 20 years. In short, it is the town’s vision.
2045 Comprehensive Plan

Scope of the Department
Staff from the Department of Community Development are responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Town of Altavista's land use ordinances and policies.  This include planning, zoning, site plans, subdivisions, and special project.  
It provides technical support to the Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Appeals, and Town Council. The department’s duties are described below.

Current Planning 
Staff is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. This included the review and approval of zoning permits, sign permits, plat and site plans.  The department processes rezoning applications, Variances, Special Use Permits (SUP) and Appeals of decisions made by the Zoning Administrator.  Daily staff handles general inquiries made by the public, other departments, and Town Administration.  The department serves as the primary staff contact for the Planning Commission and Board of Zoning Appeals and provides support to the Town Council as needed.

Long-Range Planning 
The Community Development Department under the guidance of the Planning Commission and Town Council are responsible for creating the long term vision for Altavista.  The document that creates this vision is the Comprehensive Plan. While it is not the law, it is a guidance document use by staff and Town Council to make policy and budgetary decisions. 
Staff also works with regional and state agencies to address transportation issues and other matters of regional and/or statewide significance, including the Transportation Technical Committee (TTC) for the Central Virginia Planning District Commission (CVPDC).

Code Compliance
Staff is tasked with ensuring that Altavista's codes are enforced consistently and equitably.  A variety of code issues are reported to the department, including zoning violations, tall grass, nuisances, and environmental concerns.  Violations are investigated as complaints from the public are received.

Under the Code of Virginia the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of complainants furnished in confidence with respect to an investigation of individual zoning enforcement complaints or complaints relating to the Uniform Statewide Building Code (§ 36-97 et seq.) or the Statewide Fire Prevention Code (§ 27-94 et seq.) made to a local governing body are confidential.

The department uses a variety of tools to complete its duties. The two documents that are used most frequently are:
The Altavista 2045 Comprehensive Plan
The Zoning Ordinance

Community Development:
Matt Perkins, Asst. Town Manager
510 7th Street
Altavista, VA 24517
Phone: (434) 369-5001, ext.110
Fax: (434) 369-4369

Links for Community Development: